MASTKD had access to public information of Texas State Taekwondo Association financial records on the years from 2015 to 2018. Period in which Inseon Kim actual candidate for PATU presidency was President.
On the records its shown that on 2015 the Association had an income of USD. 178,256; and at the end of the year USD. 174,455 were spent with poor information about the details of expenses. Information shows 5 events where some of them and some other expenses seems not to be for the benefit of the development of Taekwondo in the State.
The same situation seems appear on years 2016 and 2017, but in 2018 it doesn’t show any information about how incomes (USD. 224,672) were spent (expenses USD. 226,768).
MASTKD tried to contact Inseon Kim, but until this editorial closing, we didn’t get any kind of response.
Kim was president of the Texas State Taekwondo Association, and now he is running for the presidency of Pan-American Taekwondo Union, in a convulsed time, that will come to an end this weekend, where MNA’s with the right to vote, will choose the new administration of our region.