THF objective is to raise funds for refugees and displaced children around the world, starting from July 20. This year’s theme is a sports center for refugees and locals in Rwanda, where they hope to reach the goal of $ 15,000.
The construction of the sports center in Rwanda is intended to accommodate around 40 children per training session, “our goal is to encourage social inclusion among refugees and the local population (Taekwondo classes are free for all refugees and locals), reducing inequalities between communities,” said Dr. Chungwon Choue, THF Chairman in a statement.
For all those who want to collaborate in this important initiative, they can obtain more information by entering and sharing the following link:
Sport hall for refugees & locals in Rwanda
Dr. Choue ends his message by emphasizing: “We cannot reach our goal without your help. Thank you very much for your support! We hope to see you soon!”
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