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Author: Claudio Aranda

Casa llena para eventos de Querétaro

La Unión Panamericana de Taekwondo continúa trabajando sin descanso. Los seminarios de kyorugi en todas sus divisiones ya se encuentran con cupo lleno, además el seminario de Poomsae y el evento conjunto con WT contará también con una gran participación.

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Full house for Queretaro events

The Panamerican Taekwondo Union continues to work tirelessly. The kyorugi seminars in all divisions are already full, besides the Poomsae seminar and the joint event with WT will also have a great participation.

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Joël van der Weide joins Daedo team

The Spanish company Daedo started 2024 by welcoming Joël van der Weide, an outstanding Dutch taekwondist specialized in Poomsae, who joins Team Daedo. With his arrival, the team now has a total of 24 sponsored athletes, consolidating its commitment to strengthen and support martial arts athletes on their way to success.

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